APM Fitness

Online Coaching

Tier 1 (3 months)

Online: $500 (plus gst)

This 3 month program is for someone who is looking for something budget friendly. This fitness program will help you stay consistent and workout with confidence and overall help you reach your goals!

The following package includes:

  • Custom workout program

  • Macros

  • Weekly check ins 

  • Weekly form check

  • 20% off supplements*

*All sales are final.

Tier 2 (3 months)

Online: $750 (plus gst)

This 3 month program is for someone who is looking for not only a custom workout program but who wants to get their food dialed in as well. This fitness program will help you stay consistent and workout with confidence and overall help you reach your goals!

The following package includes:

  • Custom workout program

  • Custom meal plan/food guide

  • Weekly check ins 

  • Weekly form check

  • 20% off supplements*

  • Apm Fitness gym membership*

*All sales are final.


Tier 3 (3 Months)

Online: $1000 (plus GST)

This 3 month program is for someone who is looking to be all in with their health and fitness! This fitness program will help you stay consistent and workout with confidence and overall help you reach your goals!


   The following package includes:

  • Custom workout program

  • Meal Plan/Food Guide

  • Weekly check ins 

  • Weekly form check

  • 20% off supplements*

  • Apm Fitness Membership*

  • 3 Month supplement stack*


*All Sales Are Final